
Enhanced usability of food delivery & order system using design thinking

The product is a web-based ordering platform that is meant to, with its simplicity and streamlined experience, reduce the burden on customer service personnel & support phone lines. Users can easily schedule and order products with minimal effort.


This customisable dashboard makes it possible to meet the needs of all different users’ and use situations: orders, products, lists, history, help - every step in the ordering process is enhanced and organized. Convenient stores have a higher rate of employee change, making a user-friendly ordering tool even more important.


A full design process (research, ideation, validation, iteration etc.) allowed the designers to design a complete web-based ordering system. In only three months, the team created a user-friendly tool based on Engrospartner's brand identity. Where needed, the brand identity was refreshed.

Understanding customers is key to launch the right product.

The people we’re designing for work in stores from different chains and sizes, e.g, 7-Eleven, Pressbyrån, CircleK and more. After kicking off the project, we have visited warehouses, convenient stores and been in touch with all stakeholders.

Our conducted research gave us not only insights regarding tool usage, but also allowed us to create specific user profiles; all with different needs and wishes.

After synthesising the research results, we could build a foundation for further exploration and prototyping, all with the purpose to improve a workers daily flow. We were able to define and prioritise the use cases for different situations and scenarios.

A service that should be run on any operation system and any device.

The responsiveness between smaller devices, like mobile phones and tablets, was a focus in this project. Interactions and layout were changed depending on the restrictions of each device. All device limitations were taking into account, making every feature accessible, no matter who is accessing it.

Handover of assets in this project was done through Sketch and Zeplin, outputting different files and assets for developers and other stakeholders.

Creating coherence throughout all digital products and services.

Early on in the process, the need of a clearly defined digital brand identity was discovered that would give the developers a source of truth for scalability and new screens.

i.e. All icons were custom made following rules of construction to keep identity consistency. Linear, light and clear. The primary colors were used to color the stroked lines. They’re scalable and have negative versions to be applied in darker backgrounds.

Engrospartner's new webtool gives you access to their services on all kinds of devices, allows users to more quickly and effective search and order food for their convenient stores and much more. Check out the video below to see more details.