
Showcasing the future of white-knuckle rides using Virtual Reality

The Valkyria Virtual Reality experience was a project in partnership with Liseberg, one of Scandinavia’s most visited amusement parks. The project initiated to give guests a glimpse into the upcoming Valkyria rollercoaster ride set to be launched in the summer of 2018.


Giving your customers a glimpse of the new rollercoaster you’re currently building, who doesn’t want that? Why not build a rollercoaster experience in VR that triggers visitors in a theme park to come back and visit this rollercoaster that’s under construction. Recipe for success to improve customer adherence.


Our dedicated team of designers and developers have not only built the virtual environment, but also thoughtfully crafted a 4D experience, syncing seat movements with ventilators and sound. Continuous in-house testing was absolutely crucial to delivering a magical final VR experience.

We can look into the future... literally!

Guests were given a true to life rollercoaster experience with six simulator chairs along with multiple Oculus Rift headsets. The virtual environment transported guests back in time to the viking age. There were falling rocks, fire, stone monsters and viking ships, all in a setting true to fantasy.

Building a rollercoaster experience takes more than just a VR headset.

The experience accommodates six people on chairs that are completely in sync with the real rollercoaster experience of climbing and falling and twisting and turning. To add an additional dimension to the experience, riders also had wind blown towards them when they were at the highest peak of the ride and falling with incredible speed virtually.

Fun fact This man underneath is a professional rollercoaster tester, accompanied by Discovery Channel's film crew.

Just try it out!

If you have a Google Cardboard or similar VR headset, you can already experience Valkyria below. For instructions on how to do with your mobile, see instructions below. If you look directly in the browser, you need to use eg Google Chrome.

For iOS
Click the video above and when the YouTube video page comes up scroll down to bring up "Open in the YouTube app", click Open.

Click the Google Cardboard icon

Then place the phone in your VR headset and take a ride in next year's big news.

For Android
Click on the video above and when the video starts, click on the Google Cardboard icon

Then place the phone in your VR headset and take a ride in next year's big news.