20 Years in the industry
We’ve been working within the automotive and mobility industry for a very long time, with many different clients, vehicles and markets.
What we do
HELPING OEM’s and TIER1 pushing boundaries
Pushing boundaries is not a goal in and of itself. We push boundaries because:
• We need to validate design decisions and discover and explore the reasons for boundaries.
• You can’t test what you don’t know.
• Growing complacent is a quick path to irrelevance.
• It’s the only way to make it to the other side and see if it’s worth it.
• We live for the “Woah!!”

What’s next is our past

Realtime 3D
An external prototyping team
We can work together and build a prototype based on your design. With our extensive knowledge and rapid prototyping approach, we build and design very quickly to validate and push the boundaries.

Why? Because...
• We do not get bogged down in internal politics
• We are able to integrate with non-automotive grade prototype hardware just as well as off-the-shelf standards.
• We have the tools necessary in-house without any red tape.
• We know what’s happening in the entire industry / wider tech scene
Taking designs to production
We have been part of HMI designs for different vehicles, both in terms of taking ownership of the end results but also as a sounding board and expert resources in a bigger team.

Why? Because...
• We have deep fundamental technical understanding
• We are not afraid of pushing the boundaries
• We are used to setting up heavy designs systems
• Our full-stack prototype approach speeds up communications with existing development teams
R&D Platforms
We help you set up rigs, replicas, prototypes and environments to develop and test different technologies and user cases.

Why? Because...
• We can create user stories and rigs to develop your products in close context
• With our strategy and design focus, we can bring insights from different business areas
We have been a part of building show cars and masterpieces to help clients demonstrate their visions and explorations. We have been part of CES for over a decade, showcasing technologies for major OEMs and Tier1s.

Why? Because...
• We have a proven record of stable concepts
• We build concept to fit the story
• We can deliver all in one package (design, development, hardware integration and storytelling)
• We hack but put love in what’s most important
Interactive storyteller
We can work together and build a prototype based on your design. With our extensive knowledge and rapid prototyping approach, we build and design very quickly to validate and push the boundaries.

Why? Because...
• We do not get bogged down in internal politics
• We are able to integrate with non-automotive grade prototype hardware just as well as off-the-shelf standards.
• We have the tools necessary in-house without any red tape.
• We know what’s happening in the entire industry / wider tech scene
Why and why not?
Driven by “why.”
In the bigger picture, why are we doing this and what are we trying to accomplish?

During the work, we change our mindset to “why not”? Be as open as possible and test the design so we understand why it’s good or not.
Small team, big knowledge
We work  super close together, and all of our designers can develop and work with tech. what often our client have in different departments, we have in the same person. The big upside with that is that our designer have the ability to test all of their ideas and are closer to the end results.
Rapid prototyping
Our processes are heavily dependent on prototyping, testing and taking discussions/decisions early. We design and develop together and try to test the designs close to the vision of it.

Holistic prototyping - putting the design in the right environment.
Fast, but with love - select the most important part in each component to test 3D, UI/UX,  motion and tech together
Design for love
We always have love in focus when working in projects. Try to figure out what what is love for the users, love for the business and what we fall in love with. This tends to end up in projects we really care about and doing stuff we haven't done before, but are confident in.
How we do it
GAme engines in automotive
We have been using game engines in automotive long before they even knew that was an customer area for them

Why? Because...
• Game engines can provide the highest visual fidelity
• Game engines are built with interactivity in mind
• Game engines make the most use of the most modern hardware
• Game engines are extremely quick to work and iterate in

...by prototyping using game engines you can test and validate what will be possible in x number of years - today.